Holiday Forms
The Regulations were amended by the government with changes that came into effect in September 2013 and there was a major change in relation to term time holidays.
Headteachers had previously been allowed to grant leave of absence for the purpose of family holiday during term time of up to ten school days per year and additional days in exceptional circumstances. From September 2013 the references to family holiday, exceptional circumstances and the threshold of ten school days have been removed from the regulations. The regulations make clear that Headteachers may not grant leave of absence in term time except in exceptional circumstances. There is more guidance on what would constitute exceptional circumstances in the letter below. Full details of the changes are available here.
I realise this presents real difficulties for some families who are not able to take time off work in school holiday periods but this is out of our hands. If you believe the circumstances for needing to take your child out of school for a holiday are exceptional and unavoidable please download the letter and application but understand that I may not be able to authorise the absence. It is always helpful to discuss any plans at any early stage so we can work together to minimise any disruption to your child's progress and learning.
Because every day in school is an essential learning opportunity the DFE guidance has changed and strongly encourages all parent and guardians to use school holiday time for family holidays. We are no longer able to authorise any holidays in term time and the Local Authority will take enforcement action (a fine, leading to prosecution if repeated 3 times in less than 3 years) for any unauthorised absence of 5 days or more in a 10 week period. If you have to request absence on an exceptional basis, please complete the form below to make a request for leave. Further information on the Local Authority and DFE approach can be found at: