Religious Education & Collective Worship
The teaching of Religious Education
We understand that recognising and respecting different faiths is an essential part of a diverse and modern society. Therefore, we provide children with the knowledge about a wide range of faiths and beliefs in order for them to make informed choices about their own spirituality but also to respect and understand others.
In RE, children learn from and about faith. Our school aims to help them respect the beliefs and practices of others, as well as to discover more about their own religion. We use the 'Questful RE' scheme of work which we have mapped to meet the needs of our mixed age class structure. This supports teacher confidence and subject knowledge but also provides the children with high quality learning opportunities. Our curriculum allows the children to revisit ideas several times during their time with us; this allows them to develop a deep understanding of the main ideas of religion and faith. Our RE lessons teach our pupils about Christianity along with other faiths, particularly Islam and Judaism, as well as giving them opportunities to think about their own responses to faith questions. The following Curriculum Map shows the units which are taught on a 2 year cycle.

Braithwaite is a Church of England School within the parish of Thornthwaite-cum-Braithwaite and the Carlisle diocese. Christian values pervade the life of the school. Visiting clergy from the local area regularly lead collective worship and we gather together for collective worship once a month in the local church.
Our act of collective worship (which is held daily) supports the teaching of RE and promotes both Christian values and British values. We celebrate successes within school and the community, consider events internationally, nationally and locally, contemplate the awe and wonder of our world, and consider personal, social and environmental issues. Pupils are involved in leading acts of worship regularly.
Every half term we hold a special assembly, when we celebrate achievements and successes in school. We open up our Collective Worship to the wider community once a month on the first Tuesday of the month in St Herbert's Church (next door to the school) from 1:10-1:30pm. We welcome all members of the local community to join us.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons and from collective worship.
Annual special services
- Harvest Festival
- Christmas Celebration
- Easter Service
- Leavers’ Service
Parents, carers and members of the community are welcome to attend these services, which are held either in school or at St Herbert's church.