Physical Education
The Teaching of Physical Education
Our curriculum will develop fundamental movement skills, agility, balance and co-ordination whilst building confidence, which will enable children to lead healthy and active lives. Pupils will experience a range of physical activities so they can identify what works for them and what they enjoy, taking these healthy habits with them beyond the school gates and into later life. Collaboration, teamwork, fair play and respect are at the heart of the PE curriculum and the competitive sports that we participate in.
We deliver the Primary National Curriculum for Physical Education in KS1 and KS2 and we have identified objectives from the EYFS Statutory Framework that are prerequisites for this learning. We have ensured a progressive coverage for all year groups by adopting the iPEP scheme of work which we have mapped to meet the needs of our mixed age class structure. This supports teacher confidence and subject knowledge but also provides the children with high quality learning opportunities. Our curriculum allows the children to revisit ideas several times during their time with us; this allows them to develop a deep understanding of the main ideas of physical education.

Within the curriculum, all children receive two hours of PE per week. We have specialist sports coaches working in the school, including a cricket, gymnastics, swimming and rugby coach. The school participates in a large number of local events as well as running a number of sports clubs each term. The school takes pupils on residential visits, you can find out more about these on our Residentials page. This is supplemented by non residential visits and activities, some of which are 'one off' whilst others are part of a series of sessions such as canoeing and sailing. We are lucky to have extensive playing fields and a Forest School area within the school grounds; every child has a fortnightly session of Forest Schools. As well as this, we have immediate access to the local fells, valleys, woods and rivers and plan a whole school Forest Schools day out each half term. The school uses the Holiday Property Bond’s pool for swimming each week. This enables every child to have regular access to swimming tuition from a qualified teacher from Reception.
We are proud to say that we have maintained the Gold level for the School's Games Mark award for a second year.
Details of our Sports Premium funding can be found on our policies page.