The Teaching of Maths
Using a mastery approach, we will provide children with daily opportunities to practise and embed their maths knowledge and skills. Children become confident and curious mathematicians; fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; able to reason mathematically; and solve problems by applying their mathematics. By the time children leave Braithwaite CE School, they will have acquired essential life skills to ensure future financial literacy and an appreciation and enjoyment of maths.
We use the Hamilton Maths Scheme across our school to deliver the National Curriculum for Maths. Concepts are built in small logical steps with use of practical resources and visual representations. This approach focuses on depth rather than acceleration; reasoning and problem solving are an integral part of each lesson. Key knowledge and skills have been identified for each year group; these form a clear progression through the maths curriculum. Developing procedural fluency is also a key focus of our curriculum.
Maths Blocks provide a wide spiral curriculum, allowing children to revisit each topic within a fairly short time span. This ensures that confidence is boosted by regular encounters with a specific skill or concept, and also that there is not the exasperating need for re-teaching when children have forgotten something taught some while ago.
See our Curriculum Maps and Progression Document below and find out more about the methods we use in school to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: