Forest Schools
What Forest Schools means at Braithwaite CE School
Drawing on our local area of outstanding natural beauty, we will inspire and challenge our pupils to connect with nature, to value it, learn from it and protect it. Children will be adept at using tools to craft, manage and care for the local environment; they will recognise and appreciate the mental health benefits which come from learning outdoors.
“Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self-esteem, through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.”
(Archimedes Forest School Model)
Our sessions are led by school staff who are Level 3 qualified Forest School Leaders who hold both Paediatrics and Outdoor First Aid certificates.
We began the Forest Schools (FS) approach as it complements the learning ethos we already have in school. It is an inclusive approach that both supports and enhances children’s Mental Health by calming the mind and de-stressing the body. This in turn impacts Emotional Wealth and is a master skill. Without it, we as humans will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to be content, happy or successful in life. The FS approach encourages pupils to form and develop positive relationships with their peers and other pupils within the school family. It takes the form of a child centred session format that allows pupils to learn how to learn and to then apply this in other educational contexts. Pupils also learn about looking after the local environment and sustainability of the area. The physical element in using tools, building dens and climbing trees acts as a bonus fitness boost to the pupils. The children learn how to use a range of tools such bow-saws, bill hooks, loppers and knives and also learn how to light and have a ‘Safe Fire’ to then cook delicious treats and make hot chocolate on those cooler, damper days.
All pupils are offered one session per fortnight and sessions happen all year and cross the seasons and the weather. Alongside our on-site facility we visit larger forest environments such as Cock Shot Wood and Whinlatter Forest to enhance the experiences we offer our pupils.
Forest Schools builds:
Forest Schools is child-centered and will often follow the lead of the child's interest. On other occasions, links will be made to other curriculum subjects or be teacher directed. Skills and knowledge have been mapped out over the year so that children can develop a deeper understanding of the natural world and how to interact with it safely and respectfully.